At a location not that far away, but seldom, if ever, walked near or seen, there is what we feel is an extremely unusual tunnel and wall that really does push the boundaries. Despite our many excursions into the bush, and those yet to come, there is no way we would have ever found this site, for that we are eternally grateful to Klaus Dona’s guidance, access to the latest advances in technology and photographs.
It really is quite a steep slope getting to this site. To gain entry to the opening of this construction, each of us had to straddle a three metre drop, and in my case did so not fully convinced I was able to breach the divide.
What became immediately apparent was that the entrance seemed so unnatural, but we must point out that our opinions are based on experience, common sense, and no degree in geology. Irrespective of courses not studied, it was patently obvious the tunnel was under pressure and compression from above. The top section of the platform was literally sliding down the slope and causing mayhem inside this tunnel. Being the thinnest, I was able to progress close to 15 metres before the walls narrowed too much to continue.